วันเสาร์ที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2560

Digital Refractometer for Natural or Artificial Seawater reviews.

The importance of Salinity measurement Throughout a Variety of Applications.

        Salinity is a critical measurement in many applications, such as aquaculture, environmental monitoring, aquariums, desalination plants, well water, and many more. Until now, the available technology to measure salinity has relied on mechanical instruments, such as  hydrometers and ocular refractometers, or on high - tech conductivity meters. While easy to use, ocular refractometers can be difficult to get a accurate reading from and are highly susceptible to changes in temperature. Hydrometers though inexpensive, are clumsy and inaccurate. Conductivity meters that convert to salinity can be cost-prohibitive.

       Digital Refractometer for Natural or Artificial Seawater Analysis is the solution to all these issues. It is lightweight, easy to use, cost-efficient, and is extremely accurate. With the ability to read in all the three of the most widely used salinity units(PSU, ppt, and specific gravity), It is the ideal instrument for any application.

Some specific examples of the importance of salinity:
Aquaculture : Young salmon start their lives in fresh water. As they mature, they reach a stage(“smoltification”) when the transition to salt water. When farming salmon, it is critically important to maintain proper salinity levels at each life stage to prevent unnecessary stress that could negatively affect growth and development. Salinity is a vital parameter to monitor accurately when raising eggs and larval fish, optimizing juvenile and adult growth, and culturing live food such as rotifers and artemia.
Aquariums : Whether it is the world renowed, eight million gallon Georgia aquarium, or a 20 gallon reef tank at home, salinity is a crucial parameter to measure. In closed systems such as these, salinity is easily affected. As water evaporates, it leaves the salt behind, raising the salinity. When evaporated water is replaced with fresh water, the salinity is lowered. The potential for disaster is inherent in both situations. Use Hanna’s digital refractometer to accurately measure salinity will help prevent any mishaps.

Environment : salinity is almost always a required measurement when doing any kind of environmental monitoring or pollution studies. Salinity has the ability  to affect many processes, such as respiration, reproduction, and growth development. If monitoring for the effect of pollution, It is  important to make sure a salinity variation is not having an additional influence.

   Well water : In coastal areas, the freshwater aquifer(or water table) is adjacent to salt water. This aquifer often supplies the drinking water for the local poputation. If too many wells are sunk, or too much water table may sink so low that salt water incursion occurs and the water table has become contaminated.

How to make a standard sodium chloride solution
     Sodium Chloride solutions able to check the accuracy of the meter. For example to make a standard NaCl Solution(g/100 g)

Expected ppt(Part per thousand) Seawater Value : 48 ppt by add 5 grams of NaCl on 95 grams of water

Expected ppt(Part per thousand) Seawater Value : 96 ppt by add 10 grams of NaCl on 90 grams of water

Expected ppt(Part per thousand) Seawater Value : 145 ppt by add 15 grams of NaCl on 85 grams of water

